Fearless Passions

I’m pretty handy in the galley. I like cooking, I like creating new menus to tickle the taste buds. I like getting a night out.

We stopped recently in Washington, North Carolina , a thirty mile detour off our plotted course, but culinary speaking, yum. Okay, to be honest, I had several nights off. Whether it was Admiral and Captain being crewless (read empty nesters) for the first time, or we’re just excited to be taking the slow road to our destination, I’m not sure, but this galley wench enjoyed the respite.

For the most part, Washington’s downtown is a typical east coast water community with recorded roots as far back as 1585, but in 1776 it became known by it’s current name. The residents are so friendly before we’d stepped on shore, we had the whole rundown of the town’s attractions.

Bill's Hotdog Stand

Culinary cuisine ranged from Bill’s Hot Dogs at a whopping $1 a piece to sandwich shops and a five-star restaurant. With the hot dogs you had a choice of chili, yellow mustard and/or onions. Nothing else on the menu, but this crew had to try our luck and we weren’t disappointed.
Pia's of Washington

When we wanted a really nice night out on the town we took in Pia’s of Washington . Upon entering the lobby I read the special board and was hooked:

Blackened Salmon served over sweet corn and Cajun lobster cream sauce atop three cheese grits and sautéed vegetables.

I asked the server if it was worth opening the menu and she shyly shook her head with a low whisper and said, “The sauce sure smells good in the kitchen.” Enough said.

It’s very unusual for both the Captain and I to order the same thing, but we’re glad we did. We took the suggestion to upgrade our salad choice to a mixed green salad with wine marinated apples, sprinkled with walnuts and feta cheese. My eyes roll with delight at the memory. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

The Meeting Place for Sandwiches

We sampled the delicacies at the Mexican Bakery, tried the sandwich shops and spent a wonderful evening at a tasting at Wine & Words. The Inner Banks Artisans’ Center provided a wonderful night of blue grass entertainment while taking in the jam session.
Chicken Cesaer Salad

Ah, the sights, sounds and tastes of the slow life, when we stop and experience what happens around us.

When was the last time you had a night out? What did you see and hear or taste that will leave a lasting impression.

3 Responses

  1. I wish I was THERE with you – the hot dog (one my fav meals) looked incredible and that Salmon and the upgraded salad – can you say to DIE for? Now I am craving a fancy meal out…followed by a hot dog! LOL!
    I usually get out once every two/three months for a really spectacular meal with my Mom and another mother/daughter team. Laughter, great wine and great food – always a special time!
    ENJOY your down time!!!

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