We’re in the islands now. That means we have to respect a multitude of cultures and countries, all within a few days travel of one another.
For US citizens this can be a pretty simple procedure, but one thing you want to have aboard are each country’s flags.
I’m handy with a needle and thread, so I opted to make my flags. One thing I didn’t count on was the amount of clouds we’d have most days. See getting my sewing machine out, means we drain the batteries pretty fast. This isn’t one of those appliances meant for a boat, thus a power hungry monster.
When the sun shines the Captain and I are all about finishing the flags for countries down island.
This is a look of an entire day consumed by flags.
Have you ever wanted to complete a project, but life conspires to throw a curve ball?
This time around we only need two flags – the US and the Bahamas. On our last adventure we went from Toronto to Aruba and back. We got to Luperon and had a lovely woman sew our flags for us. We didn’t have a sewing machine aboard, and I couldn’t face sewing them by hand. Good on you for doing this.
Kristina, I met that lady. Very good. My fabric came from Sailrite and the material is holding up remarkably well. I’m impressed.
I think sometimes life gets in the way of the projects I want to do just to test my dedication. LOL Fascinating post Nancy. I had no idea about the flags!
Kate, I agree about life testing us. I think it strengthens our persistence and weed out projects we shouldn’t have thought of in the first place.
I am sure it was a huge savings to sew your own, but what a lot of work!
Oh My Goodness, If I had a penny for every curveball life has tossed at me, I would be a rich woman…LOL.
LOL! Carol, I know about the richness of the penny, but alas, it didn’t come to me. Pst. My parents may have helped cut out the material for the flags.
What a great project. Good for you and The Captain. Where are you now?
How interesting about the flags! Sometimes the projects themselves throw you curve balls; what was supposed to be simple ends up way more complicated.