Fearless Passions

Life is funny, scary, delightful and downright hard.

For the last six months we’ve been taking the thorny path to paradise. This trip has been anything but boring. We’ve seen new places and people. We’ve survived 8-10 foot seas, pounding into the wind and waves as well as dead calm passages.

All this to make the Leeward and Windward Islands, those rocks of paradise that make a chain from the Virgin Islands to South American in the Eastern Caribbean.

Now we find ourselves running out of time to explore these islands. Our insurance company and common sense tell us we need to be south of a certain Latitude before hurricane season takes hold.

In the past it was about getting far enough north to be out of harms way, now we must head south. It’s okay, we’re in no hurry to race out of paradise and there’s always next year.

How many times do you set a goal, take the action steps necessary and run out of time? Do you give up or do you re-adjust? How many times a year do you change directions?

12 Responses

  1. Great pictures Nancy! I’m one of those that always runs out of time – major procrastination is my biggest problem….I’m trying to put an end to that though – making myself “do something I don’t want to do every day”…..=) it’s working!

  2. Readjust 🙂 Change direction? weekly !!! (More like go with the flow.)
    Happy Sailing, hugs…

  3. Hi Cousin,

    Thanks for keeping us updated. It’s great to see your pictures. I have PDFs of the Arp & Wiese family tree. If you want to take a look at those send me your email address.


  4. I don’t know if it’s because I run out of time or goals just get shifted a bit, but I always look at life’s twists and turns as an adventure. I like to see where the winds will take me. Drives my husband nuts!

    Those pictures are gorgeous. Be safe and get so somewhere south where you’ll miss all the hurricanes!

    1. Tameri, I love your life plan, twists and turns are an adventure. As long as we have targets, sometimes what we don’t plan can be more exciting than what we’ve planned.

  5. Unexpected shifts in direction are pretty common for me. I’ve learned to roll with the need to alter course, cause like you know, the weather waits for no one. I think you’re right too, there’s always next time if you make the effort to go back. = )

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