Fearless Passions

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, we see the most amazing things on a boat. This year we witnessed the annual boat parade south of Miami.

First, I want to remind you power on a boat is meant for conservation. You don’t just run extension cords everywhere you want. You’re operating off of marine batteries, or some Wal-Mart golf cart batteries. This all runs through an inverter changing 12 volt current into 120 volt. Are your eyes glazing over yet? Never mind. Just know that generating this much electricity is almost magical.

Second, the feat of actually stringing lights aboard isn’t as easy as on your house, not that climbing a ladder and hoping your lights work as you attach them to the eaves is easy. All I’m saying is you can’t screw in hooks, effectively putting a hole in your boat like you do at home. Holes, boat, water, enough said.

Lastly, have you ever tried taking night shots with a digital camera of moving targets while on a vessels that’s bouncing in the seas? No, well, let me tell you, it’s a miracle I can share this many pictures with you. I discarded over half, though they were interesting in the time-lapse exposure.

Do you have Christmas Parades or do you tour the local light displays?

20 Responses

  1. We used to visit Memeorial Park every winter to see their lighted display. When I was a child a trip to downtown Davenport to see the store widows was a must. Then a drive on Christmas Eve to see the residents lights ( Santa always brought the gifts while we where gone.) Strangley, Mom stayed home to do the sdishes and NEVER saw Santa make his deliveries!!!!

  2. I never once thought about all the electricity needed (and how it was sourced) for the floating Christmas parades. We used to attend the Festival of Lights (river flotilla) in Natchitoches, LA each year. (Ever see the film Steel Magnolias? That’s the one.) But have moved to another state and never picked up another annual lights show. 🙁

    Thanks for sharing your pics! I’ll never see a boat with lights blazing again the same.

  3. Despite the hassles of lighting them, I think they look really cool. 😀

    When I was a kid, my mom took us to this house completely decked out. I’m talking every inch of the roof, ground, and trees, strung with lights and decorations. The house belonged to an older couple whose children had all grown and left. They decorated every room inside with a different theme–Disney Christmas room; Night over Train Village room; and others. They opened up their home for people to come in and look. The man dressed up as Santa and sold sweets and handcrafted decorations out of the garage. I loved that place. Sadly, the couple retired and moved to Florida. Hopefully some other kids get to enjoy the house now.

  4. Those Christmas boat parades are very special. The creative way the lights are used amazes me – someone comes up with a wild new idea every year – and Floridians turn the event into quite a party. Hmm, come to think of it, sailors everywhere seem to excel at that! My sister was anchored in Boot Key in the Florida Keys for a year as they prepared for their Atlantic crossing and there was never a shortage of reasons for a celebration. May your Christmas be merry!

      1. No – three years did it for her and then she moved on to other things. She lives in the south of Spain and wanted to spend more time at home … no argument there! But it was a great adventure while it lasted and she doesn’t regret one minute.
        I also have a friend (one of my “real” bridge club” group) who lived on her sailboat for 8 years, primarily all around the UK, Scandinavia, Europe, Malta, Greece and Turkey. Lotsa stories there! She lives in Florida now and sails, races, and runs a youth sailing group through the yacht club. You sailors rock!

  5. Each year we watch the Festival of Lights on the harbor and I never thought of what it took to make those boats so gorgeous. Wow! Your pictures are amazing ~ getting night shots is tricky, I still can’t believe you did it on a boat!

    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  6. This looks like it was an awesome event! I love boats and colored lights! Reminds me of the electrical water pagaent on the Seven Seas Lagoon at Walt Disney World.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  7. beautiful. love the reflections of the lights on the water too. =) being from iowa – can we say frozen tundra? – we have various festivals in the summer with lights on boats. this time of year, i’m afraid it wouldn’t look the same with everything frozen over! =)

  8. Sooo gorgeous. I am a total Christmas lights girl. We always go for a number of cruises around the neighborhoods to check them out. They just make me smile. And on Canada Day, most of the boats do a fantastic light show up and down our river that’s outstanding! I always wondered how challenging that would be – to decorate a boat!

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