Fearless Passions

My name is Nancy and I’m an overachiever.

“Welcome, Nancy!” There’s a circle of friends sitting right beside me, nodding in understanding. I know, you’re there as well, right?

Wow! I feel overwhelmed and a bit embarrassed, but all of a sudden, I’m not alone. See, I’ve been an overachiever all my life. I remember bugging my mom to sew. She spent countless hours at night at the sewing machine. Finally, after much bugging, she handed me a needle, thread and a piece of note paper. The task, run the needle up and down on the paper. That lasted a whole afternoon, and then I wanted more.

Finally, at eight, Mom thought I was ready and she handed me a pile of scrape fabric which I dutifully cut into nice neat squares, yeah right, and began stitching them together on that great big magical machine. From there I was hooked. I wore that patchwork skit to my third grade Dutch party with my wooden clogs. Precious moment in my childhood, I’d rather not repeat as an adult, but here I am, still overachieving.

Eleven years of 4-H, six years of stamping creative cards and memory pages, now sailing, I needed something to keep my hands busy. Ah, my next leisure overachievement. I taught myself for knit. Okay, so I had a bit of help. Coordinated Colors Yarn Shop in Yorktown, Virginia and Knit in Charleston, South Carolina have been instrumental in teaching me what I couldn’t figure out on my own and giving me a playground to explore.

So for the start of the weekend, I’m sharing one of my overachievements. Here’s one of my first lace shawls. Did I mention I never start simple?

Scottish Thistle Shawl

Kuba Pattern Out of AfricaMy current project is a full sweater with my first attempt at entrelec. I started it during Hurricane Irene, so we’ll call it my Hurricane Sweater. Do you name your projects?

It comes from the Interweave Press Knitting Book Out of Africa by Marianne Isager. I was intrigued by the dimensions. Oh, wait, I’m showing my overachievement again arent’ I?

Well, for the confession I promised, the unfinished projects. Yeah, besides the sweater, which is definitely in my working pile, I have a shawl and those socks I started last January. I hope to still have them finished by the end of the year. Wish me luck.

Hurrican Irene Sweater

Lace Shawl

Two-at-a-time socks

I really have turned the heel on those socks. I promise.

Okay, now it’s your turn. What are you working on just for fun that speaks to being an over-achiever. I’m here, really I am to offer my support.

15 Responses

  1. LOL, O.K. Nancy you ARE an Over-Achiever!!! (But I already knew that) πŸ™‚ Besides trying to Remember Everyone’s Birthday and send out hand made cards, I can’t think of a thing. (Which reminds me you have a BD soon,*wink*) That and the 1st two baskets I wove were a stair-step and a melon basket. Not usually recomended for beginners. LOVE the shawls you have knit. WOW.

  2. i never did grasp knitting. or crochet. about every 5 years i haul out the sack of needles and yarn and end up making a little knot….then i’m good for another 5 years. once i actually made a hat for my granddaughter, but she wore it 5 seconds and threw it off in a tantrum. on the other hand i’ve made over 600 pieces of jewelry…so…..yeah, i guess i’m nuts too.

  3. Haha, love the shawl. Uh, I guess my drawing is definitely being an overachiever. I have to get the dimensions just right. I’ve actually had to slow down and do one drawing in steps, one bit at a time; otherwise I injure my wrist. *halo*

  4. Really nice work, Nancy. As a child I used a kniting needle to spear frogs- never tried anything else with it, lol. My kids tease me about all the many hobbies and projects I’ve started and finished only to move on to something else. I have a bad habit of learning all I can about doing something and then lose interest. I made concrete sculptures– made the molds to turn them out. Beekeeping- one of my favorites, made 50cal blackpower rifle I used to deer hunt and the list goes on.

    While living in the Marshall Islands I gathered seashells and got the critters out, made art with coconuts and sailed. Puka shells were the rage at the time and I turned out some nice necklaces.

    I’ve always thought of myself as lazy– still do but I do have a long list of things I’ve done. Writing is the only one that captured me and won’t let go. That and the sea. I do envy the Captain and you.

  5. Wonderful accomplishments Nancy – love the sweater and all the fun stuff. I am super impressed. I am sooo not crafty at all! I don’t cook, knit, sew, crochet, or needlepoint. I don’t pickle or garden. Honestly, I don’t feel like I am an overachiever. LOL! With no hobbies, how could I be?! For the most part, hubby and I spend our time golfing, ATVing, hiking etc…in spare time, I’ll read, write or blog. Thassssabout it! πŸ™‚

  6. What a hoot. My name is Cathy, and I’m an over-achiever, too. : ) I have several knitted scarves started (I’ve finished a few, too!), I have a bin of beads and wire and a few started necklace/bracelet projects (also have finished a few!!), I have a shelf full of fun scrapbook papers and embellishments that I use to make cards . . . I like to be busy. It’s about time to find my knitting needles . . . you got me thinking about it again!!

    1. Welcome Cathy, I think your craft room/closet/etc. looked like my land dwelling. Now I have to be more selective. Actually, I think I’m finishing more projects this way. Can’t wait to see your’s. Welcome Aboard.

  7. Beautiful work, Nancy! Wow. Not sure if you fall into this overachiever trap, but many are also perfectionists. I can’t claim to be an overachiever, although I have the enthusiasm of an overachiever I’m not anywhere near as picky (or careful) with the details as most overachievers seem to be. (Cough. My husband.) I’m more the “get-it-done” one way or another. lol!

    1. Bridgette, I agree sometimes Perfectionism and Overachieving go hand in hand, I think it’s just the struggle for balance that makes us overachievers, or maybe it’s just an innate curiosity to grow. I think if you try lots of things you can join our group, and we’re not exclusively female you can bring your husband. πŸ˜‰

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