Fearless Passions

Captain’s Chair Monday….

Dinghy Transporation

Don’t be afraid, I assure you this dinghy’s safe. Step right in, keep your weight low….

Whoa, whoa…. Yeah, I know it’s a bit wobbly. Just sit on those great big cushy tubes and I’ll cast us off.

Now that we’re underway, enjoy the ride. Feel the breeze, smell that fresh, salty air. Oh, I should have warned you to bring a hat, the sun is bright. Do open your eyes. Look… Look. There she is…

S/V Fawkes

Our beloved Fawkes. I get a tug in my chest every time I see her. For me, it’s home. We travel on her, we sleep on her and we play on her. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

When we bought this boat we really committed to this dream. (Some thought we needed committed.) We downsized, sold our house and cars and packed up teenagers. Talk about crazy. Dreams take courage, lots and lots of courage. Just like taking that first step into the dinghy. You wobbled, but here you are and if you could just see that grin on your face. I get goose bumps, don’t you?

We’re not the first owners of this vessel, in fact we’re the fifth. She’s 37 years old with countless of miles under her keel. My family and I wanted to christen her with a new name, but what name would do her justice? The boat needed some TLC, the new crew was out of our element and needed a bit of rebirth. Since we’re all Harry Potter fans and many vessels are named after literary characters, it was only natural that we pick Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix from JK Rowling’s epic tale.

Phoenix Song

There… do you see it? Our own personal phoenix leading the way for every journey. I’m not sure what the tune is, but she’s singing, always a sweet sound. Give me a second while I secure the dinghy.

Front Door

Careful as you stand, this floating car business is not what you’re used to. Just step on that fender and I’ll give you a hand up. Are you feeling steadier now? Good. It’s much steadier up here. What I really want to show you though is the helm.

The Helm/Captain's Chair

Go ahead, step behind the wheel, look out over the bow. How does it feel? There’s that grin again. Maybe a bit of awe. Yep. Gets me every time as well.

Fawkes represents a dream come true, a once in a lifetime experience. You have those right? Dreams. How many of them have come true? Tell me about your dreams. Together we can take the Captain’s Chair and Fly with the Phoenix.

26 Responses

  1. Thanks for taking me on a journey this morning:) I’ve never been on a boat before, but I do believe in chasing my dreams!

    I can’t wait for the adventures the Fawkes will take us on! I’m ready…I think:)

  2. Three cheers! Congratulations on your launch Nancy. What fun to be brought on board the Fawkes! I believe that making dreams come true is a big part of what life is all about and those dreams can come in all sizes. Yours is a large one and there you are, doing it. I’m looking forward to the ride.

  3. Woot woot – congrats Nancy! Love the new blog and I look forward to reading about your journey. I think it’s an ahhmazing thing you’ve done selling everything and following your dreams. FAhhhbulous!! We only live once so live by your won rules and create your own life story!

  4. I’ve been looking forward to this and now I’m here, aboard your lovely boat and enjoying every moment of it. You have a fun writing voice Nancy and I enjoyed your pictures.

    I’ve achieved lots of dreams. I’ve been very, very blessed and I’m grateful for every thing that’s come my way. My biggest dream has always been to published in book length fiction.

    Good for you for taking this giant leap of faith!

  5. Congrats on the blog launch! I love the name of your boat. Yes, making dreams a reality is scary. If we stay in the realm of just dreaming, we’re safe, and those dreams are safe. Nothing can touch them if we don’t make them real. But real is so much better. 🙂

  6. Congratulations!! What a great launching post. I enjoyed getting to know so much about your adventure. Another blogging friend of mine downsized and packed her family into an RV and they are “sailing” around all parts of Europe and having one adventure after another. It’s an amazing decision and lifestyle, and what a gift to your children!!!

  7. Greatly enjoying your blog Mrs. Nicholson. Even in such short excerpts I feel myself being drawn onto your vessel more and more. Congratulations on the blog launch, I intend to be an avid follower. 🙂 on a side note I can see that you have the wish to be published in a novel length fiction? A fine dream if ever I saw one, and one that I inter to follow you with 🙂

    Looking forward to reading the many adventures you guys have.

    Best wishes from the Anderson family

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