Fearless Passions

As the United States gears up for the frenzy of Black Friday after sharing a feast of Thanksgiving with friends and family, we cruisers are just finishing our summer season. That’s hurricane season to the rest of the world.

I’ve taken a hiatus from the blog, mostly because of where I spent my summer vacation. Most insurance companies who take the risk to insure cruising vessels will tell you, that in order to stay safe, the boat needs to be north of 30 degrees N or south of 50 degrees 10 minutes N. This all translates to somewhere in the Chesapeake or farther north. Or in our case, south of Grenada. So glad we chose south of Grenada this year and our thoughts are with all those who weathered Sandy’s fury. What do insurance companies really know.

Trinidad is lovely, it’s hot and wet, but the people are fantastic and it’s an industrialized nation with oil and natural gas as their main source of income. Let’s not forget the rum and bitters the citizens are so proud to share. Once the home to the United States Navy, the culture is rich in big band pan music. A mixture of slaves, brought in by the British to work the sugar, coffee and cocoa plantations, Eastern Indians and natives, the culture is a hodgepodge of food, music and traditions.

One thing the citizens of Trinidad are not, is internet savvy. Thus, my absence during this season. The good news is I’ve accumulated a plethora of stories to share. I’m looking forward to catching up with my readers.

Do tell what you did on your summer vacation.

9 Responses

  1. Nice to see your blog up and running again, Nancy. We launched Blue Pearl in Puerto Rico last month and have been in the USVI and BVI. Heading south in the new year.

  2. Welcome back to blogging. We are in Florida provisioning and getting ready to head to the Bahamas. Looks like you did some work on your boat this summer. Not all fun and games when cruising. Kristina

    1. Hi Kristina, it’s good to be back. It’s good to have consistent internet. No, it’s not all fun and games, but the journey is the most important. What I’ve learned from heading farther afield is that we don’t need to provision the same as we did for the Bahamas. We can get most anything, anywhere in these wonderful islands. Hope to see you here one of these days.

  3. NANCY
    I really missed your blog while your where with out internet. But surely did enjoy seeing you in IA 🙂
    hugs, CAROL

  4. So good to see you back on the net. And with a new bottom, lol. Since it’s always summer here it makes for a great vacation. We’re thinking of moving or at least buying a house in the South Florida area– which thrills my wife. As for me, thoughts of returning to the shore has awakened some life long dreams– mostly in the variety of crossing a few oceans. They remain dreams but the planning has already begun. Perhaps I’lll get to meet the Captain and you at some distant port.

    1. Dannie, it’s so good to be back. Wow! Changing directions is always thrilling and a bit scary. Making those plans and following through is something the majority of the human race never take the opportunity to do. I’ll be looking forward to seeing those plans develop.

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