Fearless Passions

There’s always a beginning, a middle and an end. The first chapters of a book pull you into the story . That’s how it is when we embark on a new adventure. The promise of sailing to new locations is intoxicating. We point our bow away from the wind and let nature takes its course.

Just like fiction, there’s no story without conflict. As humans we can’t grow and evolve until we learn. One way or another, through physical or emotional ways, we learn.

My mantra is that this adventure is a journey, not just a destination. Whatever your path, life is a journey with milestones reached and new directions embarked.

What we forget as we move through life is the trials are opportunities for strength. How do we emotionally deal with them. On top of that we have heroes, heroines and villains to deal with along the way. Life is not a bubble we can control. The people in our lives are trying to traverse the same, but different challenges.

If our life was a book, our black moment conflict at the end would be when more than one obstacle is thrust in our path.

In the beginning the conflicts are marriage, a new home and a first child. By themselves stressful at the best of time and exciting, full of hope and dreams. Together they can seem insurmountable.

In the middle, our careers and family take over our lives, each with a new set of conflicts. Hope is alive and well, it’s what helps us plod on.

At the end, we have retirement, family leaving the nests and family members moving on in spirit.

But our stories don’t begin and end with birth and death. We have chapters that take us through the same beginnings, middles and ends.

Do you take a moment in the middle of your transitions to step back and say, “This challenge too will pass?” Do you look on your life as a learning experience preparing you for the next chapter?

13 Responses

    1. Carrie, I think sometimes we get into a rough spot or find happiness only in events and people. If we remember life is a journey and all life changes are a way of life and growth we do find our happiness.

  1. We have meet head on the end and the beginning all in the span of a week. OR so it seems. Mom’s joining the beloved ones that have gone before and our beginning life with out her. My faith permits me to ALWAYS see that we will get through this, too. It sure helps to have dear friends that are their along the way. Hugs….

  2. Nancy. For me it’s always the passage. The destination– like when flying on a plane and you arrive at the terminal(just doesn’t sound right). Meeting goals are like steps and not the end results.

    I still know the feeling of being out of sight of land for several days and when I get to my intended port it was always a disappointment.

    Beautiful post!

  3. This too shall pass is a mantra of mine! Whenever I have a dark moment or conflict, I always to to find the positive in the darkness. There’s something to be learned in everything. Everything that’s happened in my life has made me who I am today and I might think I’d want to change some things, but if I did, then I wouldn’t be here right now and I love my life just as it is at this moment. Warts and all!

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