I say time warp because I’m not sure we’ve made a leap for the better. I love the quality of today’s pictures. The ease of erasing a picture without cost is as simple as a click of delete. Unless you try to erase it from the internet.
Remember the baby picture book with the little corner pockets to preserve pictures? Yeah, the glue on the corner pockets are letting go, but the love of the person putting them together is priceless. We may compile a different type of memory book and add countless baubles and knick knacks to tell a better story, but the love hasn’t disappeared.
I wish I had all my photos on the boat. I was able to digitize some of them before I left, but the others are carefully stored for future organization. Oh, wait, you have one of those hodgepodge boxes as well? Yeah, those of us who are story tellers, itch to take the time and put together a story of pictures rather than words. The spark of imagination in a photograph brings unlimited possibilities.
Today, we can take picture at the speed of light. Digital cameras are pocket size and accessible to just about everyone. Let’s not even take into consideration phones. Last time I tried to buy a basic wireless phone I couldn’t get one without a camera. That’s led to some pretty serious documentation of life events.
Recording life events has been going on since the beginning of time. I honor the professionals of hieroglyphics, deciphering the stories of old and wonder what stories will be interpreted 500 years from now. Do we think about the stories when we snap our cameras at a party, or private showing? Do we wonder the consequences of posting a picture into cyberspace in a guaranteed for the subject to last a millennium? I’m not sure I want all my photos immortalized for centuries to come.
What about you? Are you a story teller of pictures? Do you consider when and who you share your photos with?
I am seldom with out my camera. That is why you hardly ever see photos of me! I am behind the camera…LOL. Unless Grandson gets hold of it and snaps one of my BUTT ! (horrors) Thank Heavens for digital cameras and the ability to delete instantly. Whew. Would not want to print that one.
So far I am still hanging onto my OLD phone, no text no camera. I am not looking forward to the day I have to replace it.
I not only have a box of unsorted and very mixed up photos, I have a full size bottom of the credenza drawer. It is so full it is hard to close. I think I need to retire to get them organized.
Since I do not facebook very few pics will wind up in cyber space. I do send some via email to family and friends.
p.s. love the sisters in clown costumes. Precious. 🙂
Something tells me you won’t be any less busy when you retire, but it’s a good thought.
You are probably right! I also have a stack of quilting patterns and shelves of fabric. Plus a room full of papers, inks and stamps. We also want to travel. So many fabulous places we have not seen yet.
This is a very timely blog for me. We are going to Rodney and Wendy’s (love the “Sisters” photo) on Mon. to begin working on a “Through the Years” DVD for our 50th wedding anniversary in March. SO many wonderful memories.
Congratulations! It should be a great DVD. I’d love to see it.
My brother digitized our parent’s old black & white photos and when we get together we enjoy reminiscing. For those who can, it is great to write on the backs of photos the date and who is in the picture as future generations might not recognize some folks.
Thanks for making me think again of the age before computers, Nancy. I long for it at times, the days when tasks didn’t require the middle man (the computer) to get things done. Was I less stressed then? No, but it was different … job, children, household, hubby, friends. No inanimate object steeling my time.
Perhaps the life as a writer I enjoy is behind the current time crunch? But the fantastic things we are able to do with smart phones, computers, connections on the web … are phenomenal, and I think the trade-off is worth it. Even the simple things … like calling hubby on the way home (hands free) “Honey, start the steak. I’ll be there in 5.”
I think you’re right Marion. The age before computers was a time to remember. Communication is way better than before. Cataloging photos is easier and more timely. We just need to remember to think before we post. 😉
You’ve brought back memories and given me a task. I really must preserve family pictures. My daughter has been giving the ‘honor’ of holding them.
Great pics of you Nancy. Skydiving- one thing I want to do but haven’t! And you look at home as a helmsman!
I’m terrible with taking pictures. I take more now that I have my blackberry, but there are entire decades with no pictures taken….and what a shame that is! Thanks for the reminder! =)
You’re welcome.