In our society relaxing is a learned skill, one many of us struggle to obtain. We don’t often stop and smell the roses. After a long week, let’s stop and smell the salt air for a moment, prepare you for a weekend of relaxing and a bit of unwinding.
We spent a pretty sleepless night making sure our boat stayed protected from the high winds as a frontal system blew through our anchorage colliding with Tropical Storm Maria as she swept north well off the coast of the US last night. Were we in danger? No. This crew is prepared for just about anything and we know our risks as well as the rewards. Sailing does come with a responsibility.
This morning, I’m going to sip my coffee and enjoy some of the past rewards. Won’t you join me?
How do you relax and unwind from the traumas life can throw your way?

This is the first anchorage the crew took, when our new life was so new and the fears so unknown.

A snow bird sailing community in the Bahamas with more than 400 boats anchored at any one time. Sailing isn’t a solitary lifestyle.
Our two favorite spots in Virginia. The picture in the header was also taken in a familiar anchorage. Do you understand why we spend so much time there?

New England is enchanting as well.

A favorite respite while heading south in Florida.
What’s your favorite way to put life aside for one moment and remember the joys?
That is some beautiful scenery you see from the deck each day. I love to take my camera for a walk and take photos of all God’s amazing creations, from tiny insects to wonderous sunsets. Have a relaxing Friday and calm waters today. Hugs… CAROL
LOVE your pictures. It looks heavenly and relaxing.
Hubby and I have a camp in the middle of nowhere. When I say “camp”, I mean “camp”. No running water, no electricity (although yes, we bring a generator so we have lights and movies), no bathroom etc.
What I love about it – there’s no phone, no Internet, and not a lot of people even know where it is. No one “drops in,” no one can easily track you down, you can’t call someone, no one can call you, you can’t do the laundry, clean the bathroom, or a zillion other things you’ll feel pressured to do at home. There’s only a few things to do at the camp and ALL of them involve unplugging and relaxing!
We all need that!
Oh, I’m with you in the unplug category. It can be very liberating, unless you never have it. Then it’s like drinking after being dehydrated. ;0
I read or watch a movie. Then I’m suddenly in a different place and my life is suspended for an hour or two…..that’s relaxing to me!
Believe it or not, we do that on the boat as well. Fifteen inch screens are not great, but it’s what we have. Thanks for sharing.